Innovative workshop design combined with successful facilitation is like giving a group wings!
  • Clarify company and team missions
  • Facilitate boardmeetings
  • Uncover company values or culture and describe it tangibly
  • Guide intervision meetings
  • Design processes
  • Kickoff project teams
  • Co-creation with kids
  • Training or coaching in (virtual) workshops
  • ….


The core benefits of professional facilitation include:

Efficient use of time and money 
Bringing people together, whether face-to-face or for a virtual meeting, has a real cost. Time wasted in unproductive meetings saps morale and prevents participants from fulfilling their other responsibilities. A professional facilitator can help the group accomplish more in less time, eliminating the need for multiple meetings, and generating forward momentum on the issues under discussion.

Full participation
A good facilitator encourages the participation of all, while managing the tendency for some members of the group to dominate the conversation. They create the conditions that support the contribution of those who traditionally say very little and of those whose views diverge from those of the leader or the majority. Full participation, combined with respectful listening, gives the group a more complete understanding of the points of view in the room and a better chance of reaching a sustainable decision.

Record of results
Dynamic discussions can produce a lot of information and ideas. Without taking sides, the facilitator can summarize the various statements in ways that respect all the different voices and help the group identify areas of agreement and issues that are still unresolved.


Co-creation of outcomes
After eliciting the full spectrum of views and welcoming strong opinions, the facilitator encourages the group to generate previously unconsidered, creative solutions that can resolve apparent differences. The group is then able to craft agreements that all members can support and move forward with a sense of shared ownership.


How do you know when you need a(n external) facilitator?


An important meeting coming up?

We are happy to use our experience to support you in this.

We will make this meeting a success in 4 steps.

 Click here for more information 


Lara Donners
+32 473 95 95 35
BE 0867.200.190